Saturday, September 8, 2007

Podcast review #2

.Net Rocks show 251 on Enterprise architecture - Roger Sessions talks about enterprise architecture, focusing on reducing the complexity of enterprise applications by breaking them into smaller parts (sounds a lot like SOA). He also talks about a mathematical model for deciding on how to break the application to it's components. Could be useful for SOA architects. (3/5)

SE Radio episode 65 on Embedded systems - The show was composed of 3 segments. The first listed the differences between "normal" development and developing an embedded system, including various pitfalls for an enterprise developer. The second segment listed common architectures and design patterns in the embedded world, and the third listed existing operating systems and development languages in the embedded world. (4/5)

.Net Rocks show 261 on open source with Phil Haack - Phil talks about his experience in developing the OSS blog engine Subtext. (2/5)

SE Radio episode 59 on static code analysis - Detailed description of static code analysis, explaining the concept, methods and available solutions (not many of which deal with .Net, and focusing mainly on security and memory leaks). (3/5)

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